Professional Investors in Normax Biomed

David G. Wilson invests in Mass Collaboration & Collaborative Economies. Background in film production, gaming, storytelling, (screen)writing. 11 feature films (six 007). Developed 23 features at Eon Screenwriters Workshop. Managed James Bond franchise licensing, merchandising & product placement. 5 Triple-AAA video game titles. David is currently helping start-ups in the collaborative economy. Specialties: franchise management, new media development, start-ups, creative production. AgTech, MedTech, and Security investments for family office.

Danjaq is the US based company that, with MGM, co-owns the copyrights in the existing James Bond films and controls the right to produce future James Bond films. Danjaq and EON control the rights to all worldwide traditional Bond merchandising, and with MGM control the rights in other areas of Bond licensing such as location based entertainment.

The Broccoli Foundation was founded by Dana and Cubby Broccoli to support the arts, medicine and education. ​​